Dear Parents,

We are delighted to share with you further information about our collaboration with Cineciutat Nins, located in the heart of Palma.

- We are a cinema and sometimes theatre. We are a school and we are memories. We are ideas and innovation. We are culture. We are non-profit and self-managed by its members. #morethanacinema - Cineciutat -

Following the latest success, Cineciutat will be holding another Movie Morning for all of our parents and children next Saturday 14th December at 11:00. The screening will be "The Grufallo and the Grufallo's child ".

We kindly invite you to join us for this fantastic concept and to share with your family and friends.

Tickets are available at our reception as well as online under the following link:TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE

We look forward to seeing you all there.