Your guide to all news at school

A message from Janice Short, Principal

Unbelievably we have reached the end of another school year. This year has gone so quickly but the last few weeks have simply flown by - everyone in school has been so busy with so many different things happening, which is completely normal for BIC Sant Agusti!

One of the key moments of this month has been the opening of our new BIC Garden area which was officially opened by the youngest pupil in the school and the pupil who has been in the school for the longest. The children planted their vegetables which are growing nicely, hopefully they will be able to eat some very soon!

After a couple of minor hiccups, our show did go on! The children performed so well in front of a huge audience. They have been rehearsing, with various songs and tunes floating out of different classrooms, including instrumentals from the band. Following the show we moved into our fundraising event for Ian, which was a huge success which raised over 1500 Euros. Thank you so much to everyone who donated prizes and who spent lots of money!

We said a sad Goodbye to our oldest pupils, with our Year 6 Leaving Assembly. It was an emotional afternoon but a very proud one too as we see our pupils leaving our school ready to go on to their secondary school, ready and prepared for whatever lies ahead. They are confident mature pupils, ready to give of their best in whatever they choose to do and we all wish all the best for their future and good luck for the next school year.

We also wish any other pupils who are leaving us the very best of luck and wish them all well in their new schools and countries.

We have finished the year on a high, with numbers growing and waiting lists beginning to form for some classes, which is outstanding. Thank you to so many parents who have recommended our school to others -I am always so proud to show people around the school and it is always extra special when they see someone they know. Our children are our best ambassadors and always welcome visitors, young and old. The atmosphere in the school is very special and is always commented on when visitors come to the school. We may be a small school but we have an enormous heart!

I am so proud of all the children, staff and families for making BIC Sant Agusti the school it is, thank you all very much for your continued support.

I wish you all a very happy holiday, a super summer and look forward to welcoming you back in September.

Warm wishes

Mrs Short


Baleares International College, Sant Agustí

Nursery Starfish Class

And just like that another year comes to an end and what a year it has been…we have laughed, learned and played our way through, it's surprising how much we actually learn from the children too. Every day is a school day and although it is always sad to say goodbye, we are taking such lovely memories with us, what a wonderful class we have had!

We had a great time last week performing in our Music Day show, it's such a great character building experience and such a fitting song for us; You've Got a Friend In Me.

It has been a pleasure and a privilege to teach and enjoy the company of these little Starfish children: we will miss every single one so much and as always, thank you for all your support and cooperation in all our ventures.

Until September, we hope that wherever your summer plans take you, that you all enjoy a well earned rest, have fun and stay safe…SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER!

Reception Seahorses Class

So here we are; we have reached the end of this school year! It looks like it has gone really quickly but when you look back and you think of all of the great things we have done and all the great moments we’ve had, you can see we’ve been busy. Back in September we started the year with lots of new faces, most of them with no English and they all looked so young, but they all look now like different children. This group has worked hard, they have put their soul into everything they have done. They are speaking in English and have overcome individual worries and insecurities; they have all improved so much in all areas and in so many ways. They are taking with them a lot of knowledge, not just the topics facts that they’ve learned but life skills that are so important. They have grown, become more mature and more aware of other peoples’ feelings and interests. I could spend a long time saying all the good things they can all do now; but it will be summarised with these words: “ I am such a proud teacher”. Among all these moments, memories and events, we HAD FUN and we supported each other every step of this year!

This seahorse class is very special and, although we are all now ready for a summer break, I will be missing these lovely unique faces and characters.

Some children won’t be back at the end of the summer so I am wishing the best luck to those that are leaving, knowing that we are really happy for their new adventure they are about to start but also being a little sad as we will miss them. You will always have a place in BIC-San Agustin and in our hearts. And to the other children, I hope you all have a nice safe summer and I will see you back again in September.

Year 1 Seals Class

WHOOSH! Another term and year has gone by but what an amazing time the children in Seals class have had. ……being able to learn and grow together through topics, play, the sharing of thoughts and wonderful ideas, along with experiments, shows, assemblies, songs and fun!

Seals class had a Toy Day during the week and what fun they all had too! An action packed day with some of the children’s favourite toys, Pokemon cards and games were played with. The day was finished with a game called The Escape Room…The game was maths related and the children worked in pairs to answer the maths questions. The objective was to crack the code of the lock and open the box. After walking around the school finding the clues, the children placed the numbers correctly into the boxes given and BOOM the lock opened revealing ICE POPS for everyone! It was a lovely way to end the day of fun and of course wonderful memories were made in doing so!


The children packed up their learning books to take home and keep, they enjoyed going through the maths book finishing pages randomly. It’s great to see the progress they’ve ALL made during their time in year 1, watching them easily complete the pages with little support. Well done everyone!

We had fun trying them on some real graduation hats and then throwing them up. Year 2 here we come!

To finish the last week together we have lots more fun planned. .On Monday we started the week with a show, a special type of show….we held a Talent Show, what amazing talents we showed off too. For the Talent Show, Mika and her budding artist drew an amazing picture in record timing. Aidan, the magician, pulled a rabbit from his hat and Francesco and his friend answered some very hard mathematical questions.

Year 2 Turtles Class

Friendship in Year 2

Our Talent Show

Well what a busy year it has been in Year 2. I can’t believe it is time to say goodbye and see the class go forward to Year 3. It is only when we stop and take the time to look back at what the children could do at the start of the year that we realise what great progress they have all made. They can now add and subtract much bigger numbers, they can partition them or use froggy jumps or even work it out with their own strategies. Their story writing has progressed and they are now adding details to their story to interest the reader. We have learnt about materials, Spain, plants, food chains, toys in the past, oceans and seas and so many other topics. The class particularly enjoyed learning about plastic pollution and were horrified when they found out that by 2050 there could be more plastic in the sea than fish! They have all made a pledge to make sure they recycle or re/use in home now as much as they can which is very responsible of them.

They have learnt lots of different art skills and we finished off the year creating a canvas of a beach scene which they really enjoyed letting their artistic vibes flow onto the canvas!

The music show was a highlight of the year and we are very proud of our year 2 narrators - Yris, Miliam and Noa. Catherine did a great job opening the show with her piano playing and the whole class performed so well with their singing. There is always a lot of ´Happy Talk´ in our classroom!

Our class grew in size over the year which has been lovely to see everyone making new friends as the terms go by. We will be very sad to see some of the class leaving and we wish them lots of luck in their new schools on the island and in the UK. We hope they will keep in touch and let us know all about their new schools.

Throughout the year, the class earned hundreds of house points and enjoyed the competitive side of house competitions. We have had star writers, star spellers, star mathematicians and super scientists and of course ´Top Banana¨, but as far as we are concerned every single one of you is a star who shines bright. Keep on shining in Year 3, it has been a pleasure teaching you all and watching you grow. Have a fantastic summer!

Year 3 Dolphins Class

Another school year has come to an end at BIC. The children in Year 3 Dolphins Class have completed their first school year within Key Stage 2 and it has been a pleasure to be part of it. The children have made new discoveries, new friends, made so much progress both academically and emotionally, what a year it has been!

You should all feel very proud of themselves and we hope that you all enjoy a fun summer break.

With the end of another school year we sadly say so long and good luck to some of our students who are moving on to a new school, a new city or perhaps even a new country. We wish you the warmest of BIC goodbyes and ask you to please keep in touch with us and let us know how you are getting on with all your adventures.

We have stayed busy in Year 3 right to the very end, caring for our little patch of the BIC garden, learning outside in the fresh morning air and most excitingly…ROMAN DAY!

Take a look at the pictures to see some of the different activities we got up to as we brought our term´s topic to a grand finale:

  • Helping Dr. Helen Earth with an archaeological dig

  • Baking Roman Spelt Bread

  • Roman Army School

  • Learning Latin

  • Making a healing potion with natural herbs

  • The Roman Feast

Happy Summer Dolphins!

Year 4 Jellyfish Class

Year 4 had a wonderful year roaming from the damp and humid rainforests of Sumatra to hunting for invertebrates around the environs of the school- which itself is fast becoming a biome in its own right.

They dived into social geography also learning and researching their own topics from palm oil overproduction to deforestation and climate. We focused on the life of David Attenborough (secretly wishing he was our Grandpa so we could invite him into class for a show and tell session!). The children gained new skills, least of which was stopping to think about the effect their actions and the actions of all humans may have on the natural environment.

Learning about the rainforest seemed to blend in quite seamlessly with many other topics including art, English and of course science, where the children studied and recreated some of the work of renowned artist Henri Rousseau. They have also studied the history and nuances around tribal art which was really fascinating.

In English we read some wonderful books set in the rainforests and villages of Indonesia, these books provided wonderful material to act out some of the issues the villagers faced regarding tree plantations, logging and clearing. We peppered these lessons with many English games to help us learn and retain some of the material we had learned, especially all those new words! 5-5-1 and vo-back-u-lary proved particularly popular.

In English Year 4 saw first-hand the patience and effort required to publish a good piece of persuasive writing. We drafted, edited and published some wonderful writing this last term. We enjoyed sharing our work with each other from The Author’s Chair each week. The principal’s award was also given as acknowledgement for the children´s work.

We dared each other to disagree in our weekly debates which everyone really enjoyed. Again many games such as ‘ Where do you stand?’ really helped with the children’s ability to think critically and whilst on their feet and to further enrich their vocabulary and word order.

In maths the Year 4 students enjoyed testing their knowledge with weekly individual quizzes. We especially enjoyed seeing maths through our maths eyes and looking for mathematical connections in the world around us.

Year 4 enjoyed a block of swimming lessons in the last term. It really was wonderful to see them gain confidence each week and to appreciate the importance of good swimming technique. They now get to put all their swimming tips into practice in the turquoise blue seas of the Mediterranean all summer long! Lucky ducks, I mean jellyfish!

Here are a few highlights of our last weeks in Year 4!

Year 4 has had Mrs. KB, Ms. Martinez and Ms. Golden to guide them through the different parts of their year. Along with the assistance of Ms. Jacqui they have grown as students of the school and indeed citizens of the world. We all wish them luck as they move on into Year 5, but first have a magnificent summer break!

Year 5 Whales Class

What a year the Whales have had! I cannot believe how fast this year has zoomed by and how much the children have grown and achieved! I have been so impressed with how much they have progressed and they are now ready for the challenges of Year 6. We have had so many highlights from the past year (many of which include singing!) The fantastic year we have had, culminated in a super fun coasteering trip with Year 6, where the children enjoyed cliff jumping, ziplining and swimming in the crystal clear waters at Portals Vells.

Have a super fantastic summer holiday!

Year 6 Sharks Class

Year Six have been drawing the final threads together in English to finish Holes and complete the myriad of other tasks to finish the topics covered in all their other lessons. They have also been working hard preparing for their final assembly: redrafting poems on the many teachers they have had over the years, rehearsing their group song and learning their individual lines in time for the big event on Tuesday.

However, before their big day, they celebrated their last BIC trip by going out with a splash!

The year has flown by and I am genuinely impressed with the progress made by all of them: they are a far more confident and mature year group ready to meet the challenges they will face in their new schools. Good luck in secondary school!

Spanish and Catalan with Miss Maria and Miss Ainhoa

Tras un fantástico esfuerzo, nuestros queridos alumnos y alumnas de español han conseguido unos certificados felicitándolos por este maravilloso año. Nosotras, sus profesoras, estamos muy orgullosas de ellos y les deseamos el mejor de los veranos para que descansen y disfruten de unas merecidas vacaciones. ¡Hasta el curso que viene!

Sports with Miss Izabela

Summer is our absolute favourite time of the year!

Our primary students enjoy fantastic weather and beat the heat by playing water games. It’s a great way to exercise and stay cool together!

Ms Izabela wishes you all a fantastic summer holiday and looks forward to seeing you in September!