Dear parents and students,

One of the key motivators in education, at any time, is knowing why all the effort will be worth it in the future. Having an idea of where their studying is taking them can take students through the most difficult passages of life, including this lock down; it gives incentives to keep working when the going gets tough!

The opportunity has arisen for older BIC students to attend a virtual university conference, focussed on studying abroad. It takes place on the 28th May, between 4pm and 5pm. The aim of the conference is to lead students through the many possibilities so they can start to make an informed decision, weighing up the advantages and disadvantages in their own cases. Three universities from around the globe will make their cases to those attending:

  • Hult International Business School, USA
  • Northumbria University, UK
  • Radboud University, The Netherlands

To attend, students/parents need to pre-register at the following website:

We strongly advise our students to register, attend, listen and discuss (through the webinar and afterwards, with parents, friends and teachers), particularly Year 12 students who will be expected to send off university application forms in September and October. As a result of Covid, there may not be a chance to visit a 'real' university fair this year, so this represents an alternative starting point. Later on in the year, the company organising the virtual conference hopes to add a virtual university fair and group mentoring. So having attended this first event, students would be in first place to attend the later events too.

We hope that you all decide to attend and look forward to hearing about how you get on.

Kind Regards

Tony Gray

Head of Sixth Form