At BIC, we challenge and stretch our students to become responsible, respectful and independent global citizens

Your school essentials

Uniform Code

We believe a uniform encourages a sense of unity and common purpose; a particularly important consideration as we endeavour to welcome students from a wide variety of countries and provide them with a true sense of belonging.

Please take a look at our school uniform policies below

Lunch and Snack

At both schools, our lunches are freshly prepared by an external catering company who offer healthy school lunches with a varied menu, taking into consideration allergies and food preferences. Fresh salad and fruit are always available. Lunch menus are provided each month and are available below, or on our notice board in the school reception.

At BIC, we understand that not all children may want a school lunch, therefore it is not compulsory and children are also given the option to bring a packed lunch.

Students are allowed to bring a small healthy snack to eat during break times. No sweets, chocolate or chewing gum is allowed on the school premises.

Road Safety

It is in everyone’s interest to ensure the safety of students entering and leaving school and the immediate grounds. Congestion is a fact of life for the majority of schools at the beginning and end of each day. BIC is no exception.

We can reduce the danger if everyone follows these sensible guidelines:

Please assist us to keep students safe by avoiding careless parking or dangerous manoeuvres.

Please take care when you walk across our car park with students. Young children should be in close contact with their parent/guardian at all times and should not be allowed to wander off on their own whilst parents are talking.

Your co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Behaviour for Learning

All matters and issues concerning the internal organisation and discipline of the school are the responsibility of the Principal, who depends on the full co-operation of the students, staff and parents.

Students need a stable, consistent, kind and fair environment in which they can work hard and enjoy themselves. Consequently, we strive to set rules which are consistent with safety, welfare, good manners and firm standards of behaviour.

Our underlying belief is in traditional standards of behaviour, respect for others and good manners.

Parent Evenings

Parents/Guardians are invited into school at various times during the school year to meet with teachers to discuss student progress. The timing and content of these events varies but we hope you will take advantage of them. More details will be provided closer to each event.

New parents and students are invited to an ‘Induction Day’ early in September before school begins.

In the first four weeks of term, each Primary class holds a meeting to explain what is expected of the students in that specific class.

A ´Welcome Evening´ takes place for all parents during the first Term of every academic year (currently subject to restrictions).

New parents/guardians are invited to one-to-one meetings with teachers after school to see how the students have settled in after the first few weeks.

Formal Parents’ Evenings take place for all parents during Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.

After the assessments and examinations take place, reports are sent home identifying attitudes to learning and academic progress. In addition, there are a number of extra events for different Year groups including introductory events for Year 6 going into Year 7 and various options and information evenings.

BIC operates an 'Open Door Policy' and we urge parents to get in touch over even small matters. If a parent feels there is a particular issue which needs to be discussed with a student's teacher, a Head of Department or a member of the senior team including the Principal, they should contact the school to make an appointment.

According to the new regulations we kindly ask all parents to make their appointment in advance with our school office.

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

Daily Timetable Examples

BIC Sa Porrassa 

TimeLesson | Activity

8.30 - 8.45

Drop-off time
8.45 - 9.00Class registration and Tutor time
09.00 - 10.00Lesson time
10.00 - 10.55Lesson time
10.55 - 11.20Snack and Morning break
11.25 - 12.20Lesson time
12.20 - 13.20Lesson time
13.20 - 14.00Lunch break
14.00 - 15.00Lesson Time
15.00 - 15.40 | 16.00Lesson Time
15.40 - 16.00Pick-up Time

Extra-curricular (optional)*

BIC Sant Agustí

TimeLesson | Activity
8.30 - 8.45Drop-off time
8.45 - 9.00Class registration and Tutor time
9.00 - 9.50Lesson time
9.50 - 10.40Lesson time
10.40 - 11.00Snack and Morning break
11.00 - 11.50Lesson time
11.50 - 12.40Lesson time
12.40 - 13.40Lunch break
13.40 - 14.00Lesson time

14.00 - 14.50

Lesson time
14.50 - 15.40Lesson time
15.40+Extra-curricular (optional)*