A message from Janice Short, Principal

Dear families

We have had a really busy week settling back into school and it has been a very special few days as we have welcomed our children back into school, both new and old. All the children seemed to have really enjoyed their holidays and they are all settling really well into their new classes. They have all grown so much too, as I'm sure you already know from their uniform sizes. The sports kit looks really smart and the children definitely look ready for their PE lessons! It’s amazing how quickly one class moves up into another and assumes the persona of that particular year group, as they develop and grow in maturity and confidence.

This year one of our focuses as a school is to help the children to develop in different areas, not necessarily just academically, and to deepen their understanding of various topics through extra activities. Extra curricular activities allow children to develop socially, grow in confidence, learn new skills, manage their time, improve their self esteem, explore different interests and improve their academic performance.

As part of this goal we have designed a full and varied after school schedule with a range of many extra curricular activities, from which the children can choose. The schedule has a lot to offer and I am sure there is an activity on there which will appeal to everyone, so it would be fantastic to see every club full of children enjoying themselves while participating in something different.

We will be organising school trips linked to the curriculum, and joining in with various events throughout the year. The sailing classes are starting next week, so we are already in full flow! I would encourage you to have a look at the extra curricular activity schedule and encourage your child to try something new. You never know where it could lead!

Have a lovely weekend

Warm wishes

Mrs Short

Baleares International College, Sant Agustí

Nursery Starfish Class

Welcome and welcome back to everyone!

We look back at an exciting, satisfying and warm first week in school. The smallest members of our school community have done an amazing job. It is not easy to say goodbye to your parents and special helpers for the first time and when you are still small, it takes time to settle into a new routine. Having said that, each and every one of our Starfish have done a superb job. It has been great to get to know each other and we wish you a wonderful weekend!

See you on Monday!

Reception Seahorses Class

A huge welcome back to everybody, it’s fantastic to see you all again after the Summer, and very special to the new Seahorses group and their families! What an exciting start of the school year! For the past week we have been really busy exploring our new classroom and getting to know each other more. After a full week in school, the Seahorses have settled in very smoothly and they seem to feel at ease already within their new classroom and with their new friends. We have played and got used to our different learning areas, including our outdoors space and we are learning the new classroom routines. We have drawn beautiful pictures and all sorts of lines, built towers, fans and many other things, sung songs and played many games. The new children have already started to make friends and share lovely moments together. What a great start to the term and how much fun we have had! This looks like we are going to have an amazing year!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Year 1 Seals Class

Welcome back- Super Seals!

Has it been one week already? The Seals had a wonderful, busy and fun week of learning and doing! It feels like they have been in Year 1 for a lot longer than one week- they are already so familiar with the class routines.

We began our maths learning with a very interesting poem called Mr. Quangle Wangle whereby the children practised their counting to 20 (and beyond!). We have started some fun games and activities to help us count, order, recognise and form all numbers from 0-20.

We began English this term with some Fiction set in Familiar Settings- Family Stories! We choose author Jill Murphy´s book “Five Minutes Peace”. The children really enjoyed the extension activities supporting this book, in particular the drama where they acted out the stories. We then ordered sequentially, using pictures, the events of the story from start to finish. The children are now very familiar with this story! Ask them to retell you in their own words!

Our Jolly Phonics got off to a great start. We are focusing on the first sound group of ( SATIP and N). Keep an eye out in your children´s book bags for the sounds bags and books to help extend their learning at home this term!

Humanities- We began the theme OUR SCHOOL where we used the story “Rosie´s Walk”. This was a fun way to introduce the children to the idea of maps and directions and instructions. It also helped to extend their vocabulary. They loved Sammy the Squirrel puppet- even though he is a bit of a bossy boots, he gives very clear and concise instructions. He brought us all around the school on a treasure hunt tour, telling us to turn left, right and up and down! Mrs. Baggaley came along too and told us all about the history of the school!

In Art we extended our theme of going for a walk by talking our pencils for a walk and then painting the route! The results were very colourful and interesting as the pictures show.

One of the most important messages and lessons we had this week was on our Golden Rules. We met Goldie the Bear and he told us how we should be kind, helpful and gentle to each other here at BIC! He will watch over us as we grow and learn together.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and again welcome back!

Year 2 Turtles Class

A big welcome back to all of Year 2 and their parents. We have had a busy start to the school year and have certainly hit the ground running! In our maths we have been learning our numbers to 100 including identifying bigger and smaller numbers. We have also, with the help of some catchy exercise songs, been learning to count by 5´s and by 10´s. We even made our own number line with our bodies! We have also been using dice to make number sentences up with a partner.

We have been getting back to reading and enjoying a book together every day in quiet time after lunch. It helps us all to cool down after being outside! Our topic for this part of the term is all about Changes in Living Memory, so this week we have looked at a timeline of our day and all of the activities we fit in…..no wonder we are all tired at the end of the day, we are so busy!

In art this week we have been exploring different painting techniques and how to mix the primary colours to make new colours. We will be able to use these new techniques we have learnt in future lessons. Have a great weekend everyone!

Year 3 Dolphins Class

We would like to wish you all a very warm welcome to Year 3!

The Year 3 Dolphins have made a fantastic start to a new school year! We have settled back into school routines and have been very kind to our new students and our new teacher, Miss Roberts, who have joined our lovely school this year.

Our topic this term is `´The Globe`and we learnt that most of our planet is covered in water. In Humanities, we used an atlas to locate the seven continents and to label them onto a blank map. In our Art lesson, we created our own globes to decorate our new classrooms.

In Computer Science, the children's knowledge of how to use the internet safely was extremely impressive and they got top marks in our class quiz. We learnt that we can use the word SMART to help us remember the 5 rules of internet safety.

Year 4 Jellyfish Class

First full week back at school - TICK!

Welcome back to all the children and their families that have moved up to Year 4 and a warm welcome to the new children and their families who have joined us…

What an amazing first full week to what we know will be an amazing year… We have been busy finding out about what we will be learning this term but also busy getting to know each other, the new classroom (where things are!) and making the classroom a bright, fun and inspirational learning space.

In English we have been remembering the types of sentences we can use and the parts of speech we use to build our sentences. Mrs K-B has taught us how to be ‘Punctuation Ninjas’ with Kung Fu Punctuation and we are getting really good at using our ninja skills to remember how to punctuate different sentence types.

In maths we have been looking at what we already know about numbers, rehearsing our times tables, number bonds and adding and subtracting. We have also used the chromebooks to help us have fun while we work hard to recall number facts.

In science we have started following the journey of our food, from one end to the other! Mrs K-B showed us how our body digests food, how far it travels and how long it can take to get from our mouth to our bottom and what happens to it along the way.

Did you know that our food travels about 9m (yes, 9). We worked out that 10 of us lying down is about 9m and that is a looong way. It is a LONG way for a mouthful of chips to travel!

We have started to explore our topic, Ancient Egypt… Mrs K-B was really impressed with what we already knew and she learnt some new interesting facts about Egypt too. We have used an atlas to find Egypt and famous Egyptian cities. We have started to find out about the Nile and its importance for those that lived in Egypt during the time of Cleopatra.

We can't wait for next week, we are mummifying a tomato!

Year 5 Whales Class

Welcome Whales and families to the start of a brand new year!

We have had a great beginning to the autumn term and the children have already impressed me with their great attitude to learning!

We have been working hard in maths looking at 5-digit numbers, understanding the place value and ordering these numbers.

In our Humanities lessons, we have started with a geography focus as the children were learning how to use atlases and online maps to locate countries in Central and South America.

We even learnt a song about all the countries in Central America! Can you remember it, Whales?

Linking with our Science topic ‘Living things and their habitats’, this term we are looking at botanical illustrations in our Art lessons. We started by exploring what we could see in the different illustrations and tried to understand what the artist had done to the plant in order to paint the different parts. Soon we will be creating our own botanical illustrations. Watch this space!

Year 6 Sharks Class

On Monday we made a great start to the new academic year by travelling back in time to meet the Ancient Greeks. We had a whistle-stop tour of their world and looked at how their culture has influenced our lives.

We continued our travels in English by looking at the experiences of children from around the world, from France and Canada, Bangladesh and Egypt, and China and Malawi, in preparation to write an account of how a child in another country lives their life.

In ICT, Year 6 began their planning for a short documentary film investigating aspects of school life. They are all very keen to get their hands on a camera and start filming once their plans have been finished.

In our Science lessons we have started to look at material properties so that we can design the ideal shelter for a pet guinea pig called Bill. We were all busy exploring the classroom to see if we could find a material that might still be here a thousand years from now - the answer is glass, that can apparently last up to a million years! Our learning will continue later in the week when we will be starting to draw up our initial designs so that Bill has somewhere comfortable to live.

Spanish and Catalan with Ms Maria

¡Hola a todos y bienvenidos a este nuevo curso!

Esta semana los niños y niñas de year 3 y 4 hemos empezado un nuevo tema que se llama ¡Todos contra el fuego! Hemos leído una lectura muy interesante sobre qué son los incendios forestales y cómo podemos prevenirlos o qué debemos hacer si nos encontramos con ellos.

Hemos continuado diseñando nuestro propio cartel para que todos conozcan su importancia

Spanish and Catalan with Ms Ainhoa

¡Primera semana de colegio y ya estamos emprendiendo nuevos proyectos!

Tenemos varios proyectos en marcha y uno de ellos es…. “En busca del tesoro”, y es que los alumnos de Year 1&2 se están haciendo unos expertos en piratería porque, Leonardo El Alegre nos ha invitado a formar parte de su tripulación. Para ello, hemos querido presentarnos y enviarle por cofre nuestras descripciones.

Sports department news

It has been wonderful to welcome back and meet the new students during our Wednesday’s PE lesson.

We have revisited our rules and expectations and got our pupils used to our weekly routines.

During our PE lessons it is all about enjoying being active, building confidence to try new things and motivation to move our body everyday.

Time to get back into it!