A message from Janice Short, Principal

Dear parents

This week we have been rockin’ and donating! On Tuesday I did not recognise many of our Sant Agustí children as they “rocked” their way into school in the morning to take part in our Times Tables Rock Stars house competition day. They looked absolutely amazing and thank you so much for your help in changing your delightful children into not quite so delightful looking rock stars! Everyone had a great time and lots of maths was done too, with the house competition being won jointly by Leopards and Eagles. Well done!

The end of the week brought a very different day, our charity day. The Year 5 children went to Radio One Mallorca where they became broadcasters on the radio for an hour as part of the radio’s own charity day. Throughout the day, every class took part in our Kids’ Kilometre - the emphasis was to ensure every participant actually managed to finish the kilometre by running, jogging or walking. This was a huge effort for some children while others found it quite easy but teamwork prevailed throughout! We also collected money for one of our local charities which we support, Montesion Solidaria.

BIC Sant Agustí is a small school with a big heart and we proved this again today by raising money for charity while pushing ourselves to the limit but using a team approach. We are all stronger together and by helping each other, challenging ourselves and each other, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

Have a lovely weekend,

Warm regards

Mrs Short


Dates to Remember

Friday 4th JuneVisit from the Nabss Inspection Service. (National Association of British Schools in Spain)
Monday 7th JuneWorld Environment Day. Whole school event. Please see our poster for the competition too!
Tuesday 8th JuneYear 1 trip to Bellver Castle TBC
Wednesday 9th JuneClosing date for Environment Competition
Thursday 10th JuneYear 5 and 6 trip to Cala Mayor
Friday 11th JuneOur Celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s Official Birthday. Whole school event. Please can the children come to school dressed in red, white and blue clothes or clothes suitable to go to a grand Garden Party at the Palace!
Monday 14th JuneYear 3 trip to Manacor TBC
Wednesday 16th JuneEarly Years Teddy Bears Picnic
Monday 21st JuneEarly Years Sports Day
Tuesday 22nd JuneWorld Music Day. Whole school event. Information to follow.
Tuesday 22nd JuneVirtual Open Day
Wednesday 23rd JuneSports Day Year 1 to Year 6
Thursday 24th JunePublic Holiday - School closed
Monday 28th JuneSchool Reports go out to parents
Tuesday 29th JuneTransition Morning
Thursday 1st JulyLast Day Summer Term

Nursery Starfish Class

This week we were off to a flying start on our topic ¨The Very Hungry Caterpillar¨. All of our caterpillars have now created themselves a cocoon which is really exciting and now we are eagerly awaiting for the butterflies to come out. It is amazing how well the children have learned the lifecycle of the butterfly, they know all the belonging terms by heart and all of the Starfish children are able to sequence the story. We

This week we have also officially been introduced to all letter sounds of the English alphabet, a fabulous step into the direction of learning how to read. We will be revisiting each letter sound in the next weeks to come so that the Starfish children moving up to Reception class next year are ready to start blending these sounds.

Next week we will be moving along to our new topic ¨Healthy eating¨. We are looking forward to talking about the journey food makes until it reaches your plate and also, the journey that food makes through your body.
Lots to learn as always, and with the enthusiasm our smallest members of the school community are showing us each day, I am sure they will continue learning amazing new things!

Happy weekend everyone.

Reception Seahorses Class

So many good things happened this week in Seahorse class; children working together as a team, being kind to each other and helping others, without even being asked, and lots and lots of learning. All of a sudden the pieces start to fit and you realise the amazing progress that all the children have made and, although we can start to see remotely the end of this learning journey, we know we still have time to improve and learn lots of new things but I think this week they have learned a very special lesson.

This week I would like to share with you, as the newsletter focus, the fantastic and learning experience that we had the other day. We took the children to the local beach for a clean up; the children were so well behaved and sensible and it was their first trip of the year! Through this outdoor session the children showed a lot of respect and concern for their environment, for the nature and for their neighbourhood, very important values. They worked really hard, looking around, trying to find every single bit and item that didn't belong to the beach; the enthusiasm on their faces every time they found something was quite admirable. They did an amazing job and you wouldn’t believe how much rubbish we collected on such a tiny surface in only 20 minutes. It is really shocking and quite sad! I know some of them have become very aware of this important issue, which is looking after our planet, and I am sure that next family day at the beach will also have some “collecting rubbish time”. At least, I hope they have learned not to leave anything behind, because it will be the key for a proper change. I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as we enjoyed our morning session at the beach, where we later had a well deserved picnic.

Have a lovely and safe weekend, we will see you again next week ready for more experiences

Year 1 Seals Class

We rocked our way into another week here in Sant Agusti. We love maths in the Seals class and we use our maths eyes each and every week so now we can add maths rockstars to our repertoire of skills! We have been looking at fractions this week, pizzas of all shapes and sizes were halved and quartered. We also reviewed our coins and money and had a lot of fun sorting and using different coins to make amounts all the way up to two pounds!

In PSHE we have been sending each other friendly wishes this week. In PSHE we looked at our differences and how we can celebrate them. We displayed our class promise and we did some wonderful Cosmic Kids meditations on kindness and how it can sometimes be challenging to show kindness to people that we find difficult. We can only try our best each and every day.

We moved on from temperature to wind direction in science and we were all quite windswept out on the playground filling our weather observations worksheets. Thanks to those who brought in empty plastic bottles and we will use these next week to make our windsocks.

In Art we looked closely at drawing and lines and the Seals did some very impressive copies of patterns. It was difficult to tell which was the printed pattern and which was the students' work.

In English we have been looking at old traditional rhymes and poems. We have had fun making some finger movements to go along with these. Two we already know are “The Lady´s Knives and Forks” and we are working on “Arabian Nights”. These poems are full of homophones and rhyming words and we have enjoyed playing around with these words. Phonics has been busy - lots of hands on work this week, using stones and bottle tops to create our CVCs and of course we have now moved on to the ´ie´ sound in Ms. Golden´s group. We have loved pretending to be sailors this week saying ``ie ie captain” to help us have fun remembering this tricky sound. Ms. Jo´s phonics group are scaling new heights with weekly dictations and longer multi syllabic spellings. Reaching for the stars they are!

We are not only maths rockstars here but we also try to be English, art, science and music rock stars too. We know however that none of these wonderful and important qualities will make us truly shine unless we can add Kindness Rockstar to the list. We try. We do our best and that is surely enough.

There have been a lot of moments of love and kindness to witness in the SEALS class this week. Take it with you children into the weekend and enjoy the warmth of that feeling and of course the warmth of the Mallorcan sun too.

See you next week!

Year 2 Turtles Class

Welcome and Goodbye to Week 6, it has flown past in a whirlwind of school photos, terrific tales, superb sharing, investigating, learning about human rights and Rock ´n Roll! From Monday and smiling for the camera to Friday and running for charity…

Literacy has been busy this week. We have been remembering the 4 different types of sentences and why we use them. To help us we practiced our punctuation ninja moves, full of alternative versions of traditional tales and traditional tales from other cultures. We have created mixed up tales using parts of tales we already know. We have learned about characters and what they are like, discussed good and evil characters and that sometimes characters can be both. In talk partners we have created characters, starting from the `soul´ of our foot. We have generated our own special fairytale on a website called plot-generator.org.uk. We planned our story, thinking of the characters’ names and descriptions, decided where our tale would happen and we even made up a pen name. Then the computer made a magical tale from the characters, locations, adjectives and objects we had used.

Maths has been all about dividing. We have shared and grouped beads, blocks and even strawberries. It has worked not only our number brains but also our team work and sharing skills.

TTRockstars Day was this week; a house competition based on the combined scores of all the children. Year 2 rocked at their times tables, we also rocked out to rock music but that is a different story!

Science saw us investigating absorbency of materials. We mixed food colouring with water and then used a paper towel to join them and watched what happened. It was amazing to see the colours climb up the paper towel bridges…

Year 3 Dolphins Class

This week started off with the children looking as smart as ever for their school photos and by Tuesday they’d all turned into rock and roll stars! There were some excellent costumes for our first ever Times Tables Rockstars Day and the children loved competing against their peers to earn points for their house teams! Well done to Leopards and Eagles for winning the competition! I would also like to give a big shout out to Bence, Gerard, Sam and Preslav who also earned certificates for being the top contributors for their teams!

In Maths we have been practising and perfecting using column addition and subtraction, it is a skill that we will use throughout our lives as it gives us an alternative way to adding and subtracting mentally.

In English we have been recapping our knowledge of expanded noun phrases and writing recounts using ‘The Stone Age Boy’.

We have just finished our Science topic about plants and we are now focussing on Light. We will be learning all about light sources, reflection and shadows over the next few weeks.

Last week, Dolphins were given the task of creating an information leaflet about ‘Skara Brae’ for their homework. Dolphins have worked so hard on them and there were some very creative designs. The leaflets are now proudly on display in our classroom.

Have an amazing weekend everyone, ROCK ON!

Year 4 Jellyfish Class

They say ‘time flies when you’re having fun’...is it really the weekend already?!

The week saw us getting off to a rocking start as our TT Rockstars took on theirtimes tables challenge. A BIG well done to all the children for showing their competitive streak, there was certainly some stiff competition! This has been a great initiative getting our students learning and memorising their times tables!

Even more successes this week as the Jellyfish finished their Rainforest display. Everyone has worked so hard on this huge display, from painting tree trunks, making different types of leaves, to reading and learning all the facts about Rainforests from around the world. We love to see the children enjoying and displaying their work for all to see. The photograph below shows the children making their final illustrations of the animals found in a rainforest. Great teamwork Year 4 Jellyfish, we are very proud of you and the work you produce!

Science has seen us start a new topic this week, The Human Body. We’re starting at the top by finding out all about our teeth and the purpose of each one. Mr Hodson and the children had great fun pretending to be different types of teeth, while another child got chewed, torn or eaten as they worked their way along the line. We can assure you that no child was harmed in this experiment, but a lot of knowledge gained!

Maths has seen us revisiting ‘place value’, this time with four and five digit numbers. The children have been sorting numbers into both ascending and descending order, deciding which number is greater than/less than and ensuring we know what the value of each number is. We’ve had lots of hungry crocodiles in the classroom this week who like to eat the largest number!

I think it’s safe to say it’s been a very busy week and we’re all looking forward to switching off our brains and relaxing over the weekend! See you on Monday!

Year 5 Whales Class

Our week has been filled with all sorts of different activities! On Tuesday we had our Times Table Rockstars day and we had a great session with them all getting very competitive over the times table championship, there was a buzz in the air as we were the first class to start the competition and they could see their scores accumulating - the atmosphere was very tense!! Huge congratulations to Celeste, Hugo; Eugenia, Leo, Marc, Haris, Valentina for being school champions.

In our class competition this week our champion was Valentina, she has taken back her crown, well done! Celeste and Hugo are very close behind so watch out!!

In Science ,we had our last Forces lesson on marvellous mechanisms - the students had to design a mechanism to carry out an everyday activity - we had some wonderful inventions to help with making beds,doing your homework(??!), turning lights on and off ,virgin strawberry mojito maker (I like the sound of this!), squeezing out toothpaste, watering plants and lots more - well done to Alice for her model of a coin sorter that she made and it worked very well! Also Marc for his model creation of a ´Lonely person’s friend´. Great ideas everyone and great presentations!!

This week we are starting our new topic on Electricity. This week we learned all about the history of electricity and started to make circuits. Next week we get to design and build and test our own circuits and complete a circuit challenge - very exciting!

In Humanities, the children have been developing their map skills and this week they were using atlases to find geographical information such as rivers, mountains and capitals. We then looked at Ordnance Survey maps and understood how the different symbols are used.

Year 6 Sharks Class

Year six rocked out on Tuesday as part of Rock Stars day where we enjoyed taking part in times tables challenges to earn points for our houses. A huge well done to Hugo who was the third top points earner for the Lions house! Well done to Gio and Minu too who helped the Leopards become joint winners!

In our Humanities lessons we have been working on our map skills. The Sharks revised how to use an atlas to find geographical information such as rivers, cities and mountain ranges. We then explored maps by looking at paper maps as well as geo maps. By looking at an Ordnance Survey map in detail, the children looked at the features such as grid lines to show elevation of land and the abbreviations and symbols used.

In French this week we learnt words for parts of the body and of course we had to sing the song and do the actions for ‘Tetes, epaules, genoux, pies’ (more commonly known as ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’!)

Spanish and Catalan with Ms Ainhoa and Miss Campos

Esta semana para acabar nuestra visita al país con forma de bota del mediterraneo, hemos ido a Venecia, donde uno de los eventos más importantes y conocidos son los carnavales. Por ese motivo los alumnos han diseñado unas coloridas y vistosas máscaras venecianas. El resultado ha sido espectacular.

Además, hemos conocido la historia de “El mercader de Venecia” con la que hemos aprendido que la avaricia no nos aporta nada bueno y que, por otro lado, debemos ser amables y ayudar a aquellos que más nos necesiten.

Sports department news




Online free registrations to the race until 24th of June 11 pm. https://sportmaniacs.com/es/services/inscription/kids-run-hmm-2021

Day: 25th of June

Place: Athletics track Magaluf


  • 6.30pm Collective warm-up

  • 7pm Race starts


0-4 years old

5-6 Years old

200 meters

300 meters

7-8 Years old

400 meters

9-12 Years old

600 meters

+13 Years old

800 meters

Online free registrations to the race until 24th of June 11 pm here: https://sportmaniacs.com/es/services/inscription/kids-run-hmm-2021 .

ATENTION: On-site registration can be done 1 hour before the start of the races, as long as the registrations are not sold out.


A fun race that aims to promote the practice of physical activity among children in the municipality of Calvià and the surrounding area. Sport allows us to promote values such as effort, social integration, solidarity, collaboration, fair play, respect, among others, without forgetting the intrinsic social component it has.

It should be noted that this race is part of the Half Marathon Magaluf 2021 event.


Gifts and prizes for all the participants

All the athletes will have race insurance.

Athletes up to 6 years old must be accompanied by their parents.


To enter this fantastic creative project we are asking you to use your creativity and produce a unique piece of art that reflects the natural world. This could be drawing, painting, sculpture, craft. If what you produce is not possible to bring to school - no problem! Simply bring in some photos of your finished piece! The closing date for entries is the 9th June, when all entries must be brought to school. One winner will be chosen from each category of Early Years, Y1 and 2, Y3 and 4 and Y5 and 6. Good Luck!