Our values of Excellence, Respect, Responsibility, Integrity and Compassion are demonstrated throughout the school, not only in words but by the actions of the whole school community.

The child always comes first and all decisions about a child will reflect this. As the children enter the BIC Sant Agusti family, they become a valued member of that family, becoming happy to come to school, confident in their abilities, wherever those abilities may lie and develop as successful, questioning learners. Good communication between school and home is vital for the clear co-operation of all, and for the benefit of the children.

Key essential information...

Our Students' Behaviour

We follow a positive behaviour policy based on mutual respect and understanding, following the Golden Rules. The Golden Rules are clear and concise and referred to foster a sense of independence, awareness of others and to encourage children to take responsibility for their actions.

  • We are kind and helpful
  • We listen to others
  • We try our best
  • We are honest
  • We are gentle
  • We look after property

Each class has a behaviour chart which displays positive affirmations and clear sanctions. Children follow a behaviour system with appropriate rewards and sanctions. Individual teachers also recognise positive behaviour, good effort and achievement with stars, stickers etc. The Principal’s Award is given out weekly, in recognition of special effort, behaviour or a particular achievement.

Each child is in a House team – Lions, Wolves, Leopards and Eagles. In KS1 and KS2, house points are awarded for good behaviour, effort and achievement and these are collected at the end of each week, with the house cup being awarded to the team with the most points that week. There are also inter-house competitions held at least every half term. Individual house points are collected with certificates given when a child has reached a landmark total for Bronze, Silver and Gold.

In KS1 and KS2 if sanctions are required, teachers follow the steps below:

  1. Every pupil starts the day on a Green Light.
  2. A verbal reminder is given to the child with reference to the Golden Rules.
  3. If the same behaviour is repeated, the pupil’s name will be moved to an Orange Light and the pupil will write the reason why in their Student Planner. The pupil will be asked to explain their behaviour and be counselled. The pupil will miss 5 or 10 minutes of playtime, carrying out a task related to the misdemeanour.
  4. If the offence is repeated again, the name is moved to a Red Light. This means that the pupil will be sent to the Vice Principal / Principal and receives a detention at lunch time with time for reflection after counselling with the Vice Principal / Principal.
  5. For some offences, the pupil may go straight to a Red Light. Examples of these are swearing, being rude to an adult, physical violence etc.
Special Educational Needs

Individual learning needs are addressed using classroom support from the teacher and the teacher assistant, with support from the SENDCO. Children who need to be challenged will work on mastery activities within the normal classroom. More complex learning difficulties are supported by outside specialists.

Learning Languages

The main language of instruction in BIC Sant Agusti is English, apart from Spanish, Catalan, French and German lessons. Children are expected to speak English in all necessary lessons, but teachers are sensitive to children who are at the early stages of their English speaking. All class teachers are trained in teaching English as an Additional Language and children become fluent in English very quickly - the speed at which they learn languages is outstanding. As we have almost 30 different nationalities in the school, the common language is English, making the acquisition of the language very quick and the standard very good.

All our children have four Spanish lessons a week and those with no previous Spanish will be working and playing with Spanish children, enabling them to learn the language comfortably. We teach Spanish in 3 different groups, Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced, enabling all children to be taught to their level of ability and experience, while improving their standard of Spanish.

From Year 2, Catalan is taught to children with a Spanish passport, or whose parents choose.

From Year 3, all children study German and those who do not do Catalan study French.


Each class has a “class assembly” twice a year to which parents and family members are invited to attend. Weekly assemblies will celebrate the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural part of the curriculum.

A Principal’s Award is also given to a pupil who has shown outstanding effort, behaviour or achievement.

Sports and Sailing

All students participate in sport lessons twice a week and students from Year 1 to Year 6 will have swimming lessons during the summer term at the Polideportivo Rudy Fernández, where they have a heated swimming pool.

Sailing is offered at an extra charge during the Autumn term for Year 3 to Year 6 student and it is not compulsory. This is held at the Port Cala Nova sailing school.

Find out more about our Curriculum

Early Years Foundation Stage Guide – Nursery and Reception

Welcome to Starfishes Nursery and Seahorses Reception Class.

It is important for both you and your child to feel confident about your child being cared for by our Early Years team.

The children in Early Years (children aged 3-5) follow a broad and balanced curriculum following the British Early Years Foundation Stage. The emphasis is on learning through play-based activities, with adult-led, adult-initiated and child-initiated tasks. Children will not be sitting at a desk all day long - they will be engaged in activities that stimulate their interests as well as help their development in all areas of growth and development!

There are constant opportunities to develop English speaking and listening skills, develop the beginnings of reading and writing and for working co-operatively. During the year the children will be looking at a variety of carefully planned units of work that will cover all the above areas of learning.

We offer our young learners a range of rich, meaningful first-hand experiences in which they explore, enjoy, think creatively and are always active. Languages are an important part of our curriculum and all pupils receive Spanish lessons weekly in addition to celebrating local festivals and embracing the Mallorcan culture. Children also learn to speak confidently in English and build up a strong vocabulary through singing, storytelling and playing, preparing them to be strong readers and writers.

We pride ourselves in the way we involve parents at every stage of their child's learning journey. Parents frequently join us in school for workshops or to talk about their jobs and hobbies. We are a close-knit community and our students benefit greatly from family involvement.

Part of our philosophy is to include as much outdoor learning as possible and we are lucky to have the climate to do this. Our Early Years outdoor spaces are beautiful places for young children to explore, build relationships with peers and gain the skills they need.

EYFS Curriculum Structure

Prime Areas of learning

1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

In this prime area of development we help children to grow self-confidence and self-awareness. We guide each child in our class on how to manage his/her own feelings and behaviour and those of the people around them, whilst focussing on creating a positive sense of self. We encourage children to form positive relationships with their peers and their teachers by showing them how to communicate and handle different feelings and emotions.

2. Physical Development:

Physical development is one out of seven Early years areas of development, and one of three prime areas. Through this area we focus on your child's movement, handling of objects and understanding of their own body and health. Through play, your child learns both small-motor skills such as holding pencils and scissors and gross motor movement including negotiating space. We also focus on understanding self-hygiene and self-care.

3. Communicating and Language Development

A prime area that carries double importance within international education due to the aspect of multiple languages used on a daily basis within class and school. In this area of development, we focus on fluency of speech, forming sounds and words and understanding what others say. We encourage children to use the English language to be able to communicate their needs and wishes.

Specific Areas of learning

1. Mathematics

In this specific area of development, we will be taking a closer look at numbers, counting, shape recognition, colour recognition, and problem-solving. We will work towards early learning goals such as knowing the difference between ´more and less´ and ´bigger or smaller´.

2. Understanding the World

Understanding of the world involves the exploration of the world around us. We will take a closer look at our community, our natural environment, people, places and technology. A focus point in this specific area of development is the opportunity for children to explore, observe and discover new things by themselves.

3. Literacy Development

Before your child learns how to read and write, they need to build the foundation. Literacy development in Early years includes the ability to speak, listen, understand, watch and draw. Through daily activities in these areas, your child will learn how to recognise letters, phonetic sounds, listen to and understand story books and identify names and simple words.

4. Expressive Arts and Design

Expressive arts and design involve children using and exploring a variety of materials, tools and techniques. Children can freely experiment with colours, design and texture on a daily basis. In addition, we provide the opportunity to share thoughts, ideas and feelings through role-play, music and movement. This area of learning is enhanced by weekly music lessons.

Feel free to ask questions to familiarise yourself with our routines and let us know if you have any concerns, worries or questions. The first weeks of settling in are of crucial importance in your child’s education. You can already begin preparations, by talking to them about some of the activities which they may particularly look forward to. It may also be helpful if they can join you in putting together their ‘things to bring’, such as, lunch boxes etc. You may wish to read one of the children’s books with them that describe going to a nursery.

Reporting, Achievement & Progress

Pupils are assessed continuously during the year through tests and teacher assessments.

Parent-Teacher meetings are held in Term 1 and Term 2 where progress is discussed, work shared and new targets set. However, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with the class teacher should you wish to discuss your child’s progress or any other issues at any point during the course of the year.

The Early Years team uses Tapestry to inform parents of their child’s progress and these reports are sent out in Term 1 and Term 3. A meeting will be held with all parents to further explain this system.

Tapestry is an online learning journal on which we can easily track, register and record your child's developmental journey. It is an easy-to-use and secure online learning journal helping staff and families celebrate their children’s learning and development. During the academic year we will build up a record of your child's experiences through photos and videos linked with their learning objectives and we’ll upload them to your secure and personal Tapestry journal.

Tapestry is used to send monthly updates to parents and school reports are sent out in Term 1 and Term 3 using Tapestry. 

At this point it is important for you to know that in the future, you will receive an email which gives you the activation information required to open your child's personal report account. You’ll need to activate this account within 24 hours or the link will expire and you will not be able to access your child's report. You will be informed about this email on the day it is sent.

To familiarise with this tool we encourage you to have a look on the Tapestry website: www.tapestry.info

Time for rest and change of clothes

In the Nursery class, children have "rest time" after lunchtime. Children are expected to lie down and rest, even if they do not sleep during this time.

Children are encouraged to be independent. We like children to be able to use the toilet, eat, dress and undress, wash their hands, as well as put their things in their backpacks and find their place, whenever possible.

Children learn to tidy things away and follow classroom routines. Please ensure that your child has a separate bag of spare, labelled clothing that remains in the classroom, in case we have any water or toilet incidents during the day. Spare clothing does not have to be school uniform.


In the Early Years department, children are not set weekly homework, but in the Reception Seahorse class they will start to bring home reading books. Please encourage your child to read frequently, about 10 minutes a day.

Primary Guide – Year 1 to Year 6

Our Primary curriculum is comprehensive, thematic and creative, with clear learning processes and specific learning goals

In both KS1 and KS2 we follow the British National Curriculum, with the Spanish and Catalan language and culture. The subjects taught from the British Curriculum are English, Maths, Science, Humanities (History and Geography), Computer Science, Physical Education (PE), Music, Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), a Modern Foreign Language and Art.

Each subject is taught through units of work to cover the curriculum throughout each Key Stage. Examples of these units are The Romans (History), Place Value (Maths), Tourism (Geography) and Volleyball (PE). At the beginning of each term, a termly plan will be sent to each class to inform parents what will be taught that term.

After completing their Primary education at BIC Sant Agustí, children naturally transfer to our Secondary school, Baleares International College, Sa Porrassa for their Secondary education. As part of the Orbital group, our two schools work closely together and have the added advantage of being part of a wider global educational family of schools.

The Primary Class Structure

Key StageYear GroupClass NameAge
Key Stage 1
Year 1
5 to 6 years old
Key Stage 1
Year 2
6 to 7 years old
Key Stage 2
Year 3
7 to 8 years old
Key Stage 2
Year 4
8 to 9 years old
Key Stage 2
Year 5
9 to 10 years old
Key Stage 2
Year 6
10 to 11 years old

Reporting, Achievement & Progress

Students are assessed continuously during the year through tests and teacher assessments.

For KS1 (Year 1 and Year 2) and KS2 (Year 3 to Year 6), reports are sent home at the end of Term 1 and Term 3.

Parent-Teacher meetings are held in Term 1 and Term 2 where progress is discussed, work shared and new targets set. However, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with the class teacher should you wish to discuss your child’s progress or any other issues at any point during the course of the year.


In Year 1 and Year 2, children will receive a small amount of homework in English and Maths. The homework supports what is covered in lessons. All children in KS1 receive a weekly reading book which they will also read with their teacher in school. All Y2 children also receive a list of spellings to learn for a weekly spelling test.

In Key Stage 2, all children receive weekly homework for English, Maths, Science and Spanish. Each class has a homework schedule that shows when work is given and when it needs to be handed back in. The work supports what is covered in lessons or could be some kind of research in preparation for lessons. Students are expected to read every day at home for at least 10 minutes. They have the opportunity to select books from the class library and are guided by their teacher to select books at their level. All children also receive a list of spellings to learn for a weekly spelling test.