On behalf of the BIC team we hope you are all well during this unusual time.We are here if you need our help and we will keep in touch with you over the coming weeks with regular updates. The admissions team is fully operational and are accepting student registrations for September 2020.
Due to these unusual times, BIC would still like to offer families the opportunity to get a better idea of our campuses. Therefore, next Thursday 2nd April we are delighted to inform you that BIC will be holding a Virtual Open Day where all families will be able to enter a live Q&A session with our Schools’ Principal and Admissions teams.
The virtual Open Day is a great opportunity for you to learn about our Schools, meet our Senior Team and ask any questions in a friendly setting.
- BIC Sa Porrassa Early Years and Primary Session - Thursday 2nd April at 1.00pm.
- BIC Sa Porrassa Secondary Session - Thursday 2nd April at 3.30pm.
If you may have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our Admissions Team:
- Holley McMonagle - registrar@balearesint.net
We look forward to welcoming you at BIC Virtual Environment.