A message from Alison Colwell, Principal
Dear families,
Today, on this last day of the term, we have all been enjoying Carnival. One of the many wonderful things about this festival is the celebration of different cultures, nationalities and traditions. As we head into a well earned break, I think it is very valuable to reflect on this message, on the importance of respecting and valuing difference. One of the many strengths of our school is that we are such a melting pot of different nationalities and languages, and that the internationalism and diversity of our students and their families is seen by us all as such an asset.
I am really looking forward to catching up on my reading next week. As many students know, one of my favourite books of all time is Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird". I read it when I was 14 and have re-read and dipped into it on numerous occasions in the 40 years that have since elapsed. Its many lessons and truisms ring as relevant today as they did when the book was written in 1960. One of its most powerful messages is told by the central figure, Atticus, when he is speaking to his daughter and tells her that, "If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.....Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it".
It is a message that we, at BIC, will return to again and again next term, and beyond.
Have a great weekend,
Alison Colwell,
Principal, BIC Sa Porrassa
Mrs Alexandra Tomlinson - Head of Secondary
The joy and energy with which we have started 2021 at BIC is testament to the joy and energy of our staff and students. These first few weeks have been jam packed with a school full of life and light - seen so vibrantly today in our Carnival celebrations - a fitting end to a half term of dedication, hard work and fun. The Bleep Test Competition this week was another example of the school community coming together as students came out to cheer on their Houses. The school spirit felt on the field at lunchtime as a result lifted us all. It is the willingness by our students to get stuck in, give 100% to the moment and seize the day which creates such a wonderful atmosphere and so, over to them once more for Head of Secondary commendations below:
Michelle in 9B for impressing with her effort and producing excellent work in science. Kira in 9I for an excellent geography test result on the problems in our oceans. The whole of 7I for excellent focus in English on their key challenge on Shakespeare´s World and their brilliant engagement with Shakespearean language. Isabel, 10B, for a thoughtful and detailed poetry analysis in English. Florian, 9B, for an excellent understanding of short stories in German. Julia, 8B, for an excellent result in her German grammar test. Year 10 Historians, for impressing with excellent sourcework and extended writing. Finley, Year 10 for commitment to improving in history. Maxime, Year 10, for an excellent A Level standard of work in history and for his commitment, progress and effort in French. Michelle, Evie, Amelia and Nathaniel, Year 9 French, for their work on the “passé composé”.
The Duke of Edinburgh International Award
We are excited to announce that BIC is bringing the world famous Duke of Edinburgh International Awards to the school! The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is the world's leading youth achievement award, with over 438000 young people currently doing their DofE around the world. This international award is designed to enrich the lives of young people, open their eyes to a life of service to the community and the joys of nature.
To learn more about this Awards Programme click below:

The Shakespearean Club
Ever heard these words and lines but wondered where they come from? "More foo you", "Short shrift", "Neither here nor there", "Mum´s the word", "That way madness lies". These are a very few examples of how Shakespearean language is still very much in regular use in English today. Shakespeare Club will look at famous words and phrases of Shakespeare whilst rehearsing and read aloud, some of the best and most well loved scenes from his plays. It is an opportunity to build confidence in English, savour the beauty of Shakespeare´s language and have fun rehearsing and performing.

Mr John Barter - Head of Sixth Form
Developing insight
Firstly, I would like to thank all who attended yesterday’s Parents Evening. I really enjoyed meeting so many of you and being able to be so positive about the work being done by our students, as well as the personal development they are making. Thank you, also, for your patience with our Schoolcloud platform; it seems it is also helping us all to develop new IT skills. If you need further follow-up regarding an issue that you think felt unresolved, please do contact me (or the relevant teacher).
In the week following the half term break, we have planned an afternoon of Sixth Form taster lessons for BIC’s Year 11 students. The aim is to give them an insight into Sixth Form life, to help them clarify their subject preferences for Year 12 and to give them further incentive to keep working hard until the end of Year 11. Today, they have selected their options for the afternoon; I know some were absent and I will catch up with them on our return to school.
As the students head towards a well-deserved week off, I am sure parents would like to know what we expect in terms of the students’ work/life balance for the coming week. Teachers may well have set work for the holiday but I expect it won’t be unduly onerous. Students will also set their own targets, particularly if they have been off recently and have some catching up to do. However, the week is also for rest, for family life, for social life (app based, I expect, given our continuing restrictions), for hobbies and generally anything that will re-charge their ‘batteries’. I hope you all find time to enjoy being together and wish you a pleasant week.
I would like to finish by highlighting the work of the Year 12 Travel and Tourism students. They have spent the year so far learning how the industry works and in applying that learning by developing a trip idea. They have decided to lead a gallery trip for Year 10 and 11 Art students and, in the week after the holiday, they will be presenting their idea to those students. Given the effort they have put into planning the trip and the emphasis they have placed on ensuring that they meet the academic and personal needs of the Art students, I am confident that it will be well received. Now all they need is the Balearic government to relax the current restrictions so the trip can actually take place. Well done Travel and Tourism students. Whatever happens, feel sure that I have seen a great team effort!
John Barter
Head of Sixth Form

Weekly highlights - Computer Science
A busy half term in Computer Science with students studying a wide range of topics across Year groups. Year 7 are developing their skills in creating media to promote a cause, learning about developing and producing content before using these to create a webpage to further a cause they are passionate about - this week, learning to assess the credibility of sources.
Year 8 are coding, Year 9 are exploring the world of cyber security and attempting to fool staff into opening a phishing email where they are directed to a website giving them tips on how not to be fooled. Year 10 and 11 are studying computer memory and storage respectively, with exam question practice. Year 12 IT have started constructing Access databases and understanding how rational databases work.

Computer memory - Bo, Jasmine, Nicolas, Year 10

Science department news
The students in Year 11 biology have been studying the structure and function of the kidney. Paying particular attention to the process of ultrafiltration in The Bowman’s Capsule, students were able to diagnose a range of disorders after applying their knowledge of food tests. Year 11 Biologists can now diagnose diabetes and kidney damage based on urine samples.

As part of a new assessment trial, students have used a self-assessment tool to identify their areas for development based on end of unit tests. This is currently being evaluated for wider use beyond Easter (look out for the forthcoming webinar). Here you see one of our students using a marked exam paper to identify her areas for development which are in turn linked to the knowledge organiser she uses in class and at home. The second image shows two of our students discussing their areas for development in science… they wanted to help each other!

Year 8 and 9 enjoyed significant levels of success in their recent assessment. Here is an example of some revision completed by one of our hardworking students!

We are truly blessed to have our students in the building here in Mallorca. Here are some pictures of our students enjoying practical science in the laboratories.

Year 10 biology students have been learning about human influences on the environment, for example, pollution, deforestation and climate change. Here they are out in the glorious sunshine looking at the effect of acid on materials and linking this to the effects of acid rain on the environment.

PE department news
Secondary students mastering proper stance and footwork in table tennis for Year 8 and badminton for Year 9 during their PE lesson.

Maths department news
This week Year 8 have been participating in the Mangahigh maths competition. They have been competing with schools around the world in various online maths activities, trying to win as many medals as possible!

Creative Arts department news
In performing arts this week we have seen some great music analysis from 8C, who are learning about the use of music in media, as seen below.

We have been exploring set design in Year 9, and learning how set designers will create set design models for directors. We can see some great examples below from 9C.

In Year 10 music we have been using our new software for composition - BandLab. The school have been set up on this software that works in a very similar way to our very own Canvas - with the added ability to compose and record music. Our Year 10 GCSE page is set up, ready to go, and students have started work on their compositions.

Other fun activities at School
And in other non-department fun, students have been competing in the 2021 slackline challenge. Year 11, Year 10 and Year 9 rounds now completed with Sofia leading the way with an impressive 3.8m walk

Whole School House System news

New House Competition - Extreme Read
The Heads of House are very excited to announce the next House competition. Many of you will be familiar with this as it is a competition the school has run in the past - Extreme Read. The aim is to take a photo of yourself reading in the most extreme place possible. We have had some super entries in the past. Although we are a little more restricted this year, I am sure that our creative students will rise to the challenge and take some fabulous photos. We are passionate about reading and literacy and we hope to highlight how fun reading is.

House Points Totals Update - Term 2
Winton | Galileo | Roosevelt | Parks |
332 | 323 | 371 | 426 |
Overall House Points
Winton | Galileo | Roosevelt | Parks |
1550 | 1535 | 1735 | 1735 |
Bleep Test House Competition Results!
Secondary Final Results
- 1st place- Nacho- 13 Galileo - 30 points (Level 11.9)
- 2nd place- Izabela- Parks- 25 points
- 3rd place- Manu- 7 Parks- 20 points
A big well done to all our students who participated.