“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science” - Edwin Powell Hubble
Mr. Warn is our fantastic and inspiring physics teacher! He makes physics fun and exciting, keeping his students engaged by having open discussions and making interesting experiments. Mr Warn enthusiastically explained to us, "Teaching physics is the best! At the moment, Year 3 pupils are looking at magnetism and I always found the cranes that pick up cars really cool, so we made a mini electromagnet and turned it into a crane to pick up paper clips. Building stuff using physics is amazing!"
Mr. Warn studied Physics and Philosophy at King's College in London and became interested in teaching after getting involved in an Institute of Physics Programme, that aimed to get more girls into physics. They ran practical lessons teaching students in Years 8, 9 and 10. He pursued his career to become a teacher by going on to do a PGCE in teaching physics at the Institute of Education and gained his teaching experience in London.
Mr.Warn's favourite part about teaching is helping students to view and explore the world in different ways, and looking at unusual and wonderful questions. One he got this week that he enjoyed discussing was "To what degree do animals use numbers?"