Your guide to all news at school.
Ms Alison Colwell, Principal
Dear families,
In the recent parent survey, communication came out really strongly. In response to questions about quality and frequency of communication, ease of getting answers and the methods received, we scored judgements of being "outstanding" or "good" as almost 90%. Obviously I’m never happy with anything less than 100% but it is pleasing to know that generally you are satisfied with communication - although there is always room for improvement.
As we plan the calendar for next year and think about parent evenings it seems timely to point out, as Ms Tomlinson writes about today, that parent evenings are just one date in the year when parents can get an overview of their child’s progress and well being. We encourage - even urge - you to get in touch with us at any point, about any matter affecting your children and their education. You have heard me say many times that there is no such thing as "just a silly thing" when it comes to your children's learning and welfare. Please get in touch directly with tutors, Heads of House, teachers, school leaders and, of course, myself with any issue or question you may have.
And in other news, I’m genuinely excited that on June 1 work begins on the total refurbishment of the science labs. It is going to be noisy, we’ve got to re-room several classes, and access to one part of the building will be restricted - but it is going to all be so worth it! As I have said before, the teaching in science sparkles and so soon will the new science labs!
Enjoy a sunny weekend.
Alison Colwell
Baleares International College, Sa Porrassa
Ms Alexandra Tomlinson, Head of Secondary
Dear families,
We are having such a wonderful and vibrant time together in Secondary. The atmosphere feels calm, studious but fun at the same time and it is so lovely to be able to use the newsletter to communicate just how fantastic our students are, to parents and families.
Communication and partnership between home and school is intrinsic to the success of a school and the thriving of the young people in its care. We have so many opportunities and conduits for parents and staff to communicate - through our parents evenings, end of half term reports, our newsletter or letters home; all of which ensure that students and parents alike are kept well informed of school life. Parents are also welcome to email teachers and senior leaders to share a concern and, I do hope on even more occasions, any successes in their child's life! We will always get back to you swiftly if you email us and, where necessary, we will arrange an appointment to meet. This is by far the best way to contact the school should there be a pertinent reason to do so. Please do always share issues as we shall always pick these things up to resolve things rapidly. We have a great track record!
Of course, digital communication enables a fast paced response and all of our school information is online - either on our website, via the online learning platform, Canvas or through our online publications. Students also have physical planners and with the advent of our Bring Your Own Device arrangements, the information contained in the planners is now able to move online. Thus, from next year for both the above reasons and for ecological ones, too, we will no longer be using student planners. I am certain that parents will understand the reasons for this and be reassured that as aforementioned, the information which students currently use in the planner is accessible on Canvas whilst the direct line of communication between parents and teachers remains in most part via email.
In the meantime, keep talking to us, keep updating us in the knowledge that any information from home enhances and supports our students´ daily lived educational experience at BIC.
Alexandra Tomlinson
Head of Secondary
Mr John Barter - Head of Sixth Form
Global Reach
At BIC we are proud to offer A Level (or GCE) qualifications to our students aged 16 years and above. The curriculum and assessment is challenging but we are confident in our skills to see our students to success, and we know that success at this level will breed confidence to take on undergraduate study at university with few problems. We realise that international parents are maybe less aware of the value of A Levels compared to, say, IB when it comes to university applications so I thought I would use today’s newsletter to give you more insight.
Cambridge International tell us:
‘Students use Cambridge International AS & A Levels to gain places at leading universities worldwide including in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Germany.’
Edexcel International say:
‘Edexcel IALs are widely recognised by universities both in the UK and worldwide.’
Of course, you might think ‘Well they would say that, wouldn’t they; they want to build confidence in their qualifications.’ However, over the last two years, I have had direct conversation (one-to-one for 20 minutes or more) with over 30 universities across the globe; I have talked to many more university representatives at conferences and attended several university focussed webinars. Without exception, the universities are not only fully aware of the demands of A Level, but keen to have applicants with good A level grades. I am yet to find a university that has been remotely negative or disinterested in students with A Level qualifications.
Through the Noticeboard, I try to keep parents updated about university webinars so that you can also be aware of their thoughts. Sometimes they are for specific universities, sometimes for specific course areas and sometimes for regions or countries. If you have concerns about A Levels, I urge you to attend these events; they will make you feel much better.
Of particular concern, recently, has been the value of A levels for entry to German universities. Their basic requirements, regardless of the degree programme that is chosen, are the satisfaction of the following three conditions:
In order for the GCE to be recognised, you must provide evidence of four examination subjects that are independent of one another and have general education (non-vocational) content.
These subjects must include a) a language and b) mathematics or one of the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, or physics).
A minimum of three of the four examination subjects must have been passed on the level of GCE AL. The level GCE AS is sufficient for the fourth examination subject.
They go on to say ‘If you intend to study humanities, law, social sciences, economics, or art, you must a) show evidence of a subject in the GCE AL that corresponds to the chosen field of study, and b) have a GCE AL in mathematics for a course of study involving economics and social sciences; if you intend to study a subject related to natural science, you must demonstrate a total of two GCE AL examinations in the subjects of mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics, for technical studies and mathematics, a GCE AL in mathematics and a GCE AL in biology, chemistry, physics, or computer science are required; if your desired course of study is in the field of medicine (medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, or pharmacy), you must have completed three of the following GCE AL subjects: mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics.
So, as with any important thing you do, due diligence is the way forward. Students (and parents) are advised to research A Level requirements of universities, prior to starting Sixth Form to be totally assured that the subject choices will be appropriate for the students next steps after BIC.
As always, if you need more support, please do contact me.
Special mention
Throughout the school year, I use the BIC Newsletter’s Noticeboard and the Sixth Form Google Classroom to flag up courses and opportunities to relevant students (and their parents). I recently received an offer for us to send two students to Globe Business College in Munich, all expenses paid. Due to exam season looming, only Kristy took up the opportunity to go. I was proud to receive the following message from Globe following her return: ‘I just wanted to say that it was great to work with Kristy over the weekend. She was so nice and took the challenge we proposed very seriously, andshe delivered a great presentation on Sunday in front of the judges. We were very proud of her, and I wanted to thank you for nominating her to participate in our Golden Ticket weekend.’ A perfect outcome!
John Barter
Head of Sixth Form
Whole School House System news

House Points Totals Update - Term 3
Winton | Galileo | Roosevelt | Parks |
307 | 365 | 342 | 309 |
House Points Totals Update - 2021/22
Winton | Galileo | Roosevelt | Parks |
2698 | 3584 | 3022 | 2977 |
A message from your Heads of House
Congratulations to the Sixth Formers for raising 700 euros for the Ukraine fund from cake sales, clothing and food collections demonstrating how compassionate you all are. Also, I hope you are all excited about the House reward trips, remember to complete the google form as soon as possible to ensure your first choice is available. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Xidakis, Head of Parks HouseMiss Mayes, Head of Roosevelt HouseCongratulations to Roosevelt on yet another successful week, lots of house points earned again this week, keep up the good work! I was so excited to tell you all about the reward trips in our assembly this week, and I hope you are all really excited. Remember to complete the google form as soon as possible to guarantee your choice. Sports Day is now on the horizon as well, and sign ups will be happening soon. After winning last year I am certain we will have another successful event! I also want to con gratulate all our Year 11 and 6th form students on their hard work in their exams, the dedication is really being noticed and I am proud of all of you.
Miss Turley, Head of Galileo HouseWoo hoo! We are back on top of the leaderboard. Well done everyone. A special thank you to everyone in primary for being amazing during our recent Sports Day. I am very much looking forward to the secondary Sports Day in June. We will be signing students up to events shortly. It was great to speak with primary students last week. You all had some brilliant ideas.
Secondary students: remember to fill in your rewards trip choice as soon as possible.
Winton are the winners! Primary sports days happened last week and everyone competed so hard and worked excellently together. I was very proud to be the Head of Winton House. The KS2 Wintons won their competition securing some extra House Points for our total. A huge well done to everyone who competed. Secondary sports day is on the 23rd June and I can’t wait to see you all representing Winton House there.
Mrs Florey, Head of Winton HouseMany thanks to those who have emailed me photos for the new science labs. I have had some amazing photos. If you have not had a chance yet, then do not worry, there is still plenty of time.
Please email photos to

The Duke of Edinburgh International Award
Another tough and testing trek for our DofE recruits was tackled with positivity and energy last week near S’Arraco. Our Year 10 students donned their boots for the first real time since forming their groups ready for the bronze award adventurous journey. Our outdoor adventures form the teamwork element of the award while the skills, physical and volunteering aspects are completed on an individual basis.
Students need to show resilience and initiative to achieve the award. This is why it is so valued as a badge of character. At BIC we are lucky to have many students who have these qualities in spades and are leading the way.

English department news
In Readathon news
The champions have this week been celebrating their reading wins as they received their chosen books. There were two winners from each House - one from primary and one from secondary - with Roosevelt taking home the 25 House points for reading a total of 10,060 pages over the six weeks of the competition. Across all Houses, students taking part in the competition read a whopping 32,049 pages. Well done to all involved.
Big congratulations go to:
- Roosevelt: Lukas (Year 9) and Samuel (Year 3)
- Winton: Sanja (Year 10) and Minmin (Year 5)
- Parks: Giovanni (Year 7) and Kai (Year 3)
- Galileo: Jasmine (Year 11) and Rafi (Year 4)

Students in Ms. Bernie’s Year 7 English class are studying English and the media. They were tasked with researching and writing their own news feature articles. Here are some superb examples:
- by Arseny, Maria and Alex

In Ms. Bernie’s Year 9 class, the students are learning about childhood and education during the Victorian Era. Here are some excellent examples of formal letters they have written to workhouse masters where they express their horror and disgust at the treatment of the children there.
- by Anaya

- by Poppy and Gisele

Ms. Bernie’s Year 11 students are currently studying for their iGCSE English exams and have been trying various study methods. Here are some samples of revision notes for unseen poetry for their upcoming English Literature exam.
- by Jasmine

- by Amber

Maths department news
Incredible UKMT Challenge results
22 BIC students achieved a certificate in the recent UKMT Junior Maths Challenge. This is a fantastic achievement by the students in a prestigious competition. The success is a reward for the hard work the students have done on their problem solving this year.
There were two Bronze certificates in Year 6 for Clio (Best in Year) and Sophia - a particularly special achievement as they were sitting the Challenge a year early.
In Year 7, seven students achieved a Bronze certificate. These were Daniel (Best in Year), Finn , Luis , Miquel, Nikolay, Cedrik, Orion.
In Year 8, there were an incredible 13 certificates including 2 Silver and 2 Gold certificates. The students are listed below:
Bronze: Frank, Esme, Nils, Pavan, Beni, Vito, Max, William, Carlitos.
Silver: Millie, Leon.
Gold: Manu (Best in School), Matthew Mansour
A photo of the all prize winners is below. A massive congratulations to all the participants and the winners!

A gold certificate is awarded to students finishing in the top 8-9% of entrants. It is a truly terrific achievement for Manu and Matthew to have achieved this feat. Here is a photo of both students with their certificates.

Humanities department news
Exam Preparation
All students in years 7-10 have now been given their exam timetables and should therefore be able to create a revision timetable.

Students should decide the subject but also narrow it down to a topic. They should then set themself an actual activity. For example, Year 9 might choose to make a mind map about the causes of WWII.

Year 7 Geography
Year 7 geographers have been following the journey of a dollar around the world to examine issues of globalisation and the economy. To finish off the topic, they have produced visual presentations to show off their understanding of this journey and the interconnectedness of places.

Science department news
Life is busy in the Science Department this summer! The KS3 and 4 exams are underway and we are proud of the efforts that our students are making. Staff are also working hard to give the students every moment of support so that our young people can keep all doors open for the opportunities of tomorrow. Thank you KS4 and KS5, we are proud of you!
There is still much to do this year. The school laboratories refurbishment programme will soon be well underway. We can not wait to have the opportunity to welcome you to our new facilities in September 2022. As many of you will know, we have had many parent and student sessions over the last two years here in science and we very much hope that we will be able to welcome you in person in the very near future.
Having recently received the communication regarding end of year assessments from Ms Tomlinson, you will know that the students are looking to the horizon, preparing now for the assessments in June. I can not state this more clearly. The purpose of these end of year assessments is not to collect a grade, the purpose is to identify where our students need additional input before the summer. There will be a variety of assessments in KS3 and KS4 this year. Here you will find the mastery objectives from which we will draw our KS3 assessments.
Here is an example of a student in Year 9 who is revising and retrieving old learning for her topic list that will be reviewed in the forthcoming end of year assessment.

There are hyperlinks that take the students to BBC Bitesize pages where students will find quizzes and online tests to support what is already in Canvas (knowledge organisers etc). The students have paper and digital copies. For KS4, the students will be able to use the revision guide books that are located in Canvas. These will also be available on paper for the start of the holidays.
As always, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all.
Here is a snapshot of the fun we have been having recently!
A special mention to our students in Year 6, 9 and 10 who made us very proud recently during the university trip. I would also like to thank Michael for sharing the partridge organs.

Languages department news
The Spanish students have produced some excellent videos in Spanish about their prospective jobs. This term we have focused on oracy skills in the context of the job market.

Creative Arts department news
- by Paula Year 13 A level Final Piece

- by Nina Year 12

- by Serafina Year 10 (Mandala)

- by Metz Year 10 (Mandala)

We have our summer concert coming up on Friday 10th June here at school, featuring drama, music and dance performances from several of our talented students. More details will follow in the next newsletter, and letters will be sent to parents of those taking part.
Year 8´s are continuing their work on devising drama based on a stimulus. Here are some of 8-1 performing their piece based on the song ´Hello´ by Adele below.

We are pleased to announce that for the first time the secondary sports day will be held at the Magaluf athletics track. It will take place on the morning of Thursday June 23rd. Parents will be invited to attend and watch. In the afternoon of the same day, a secondary swim gala will take place in the school pool. More details about the athletics event will be released closer to the event date.

Wellness Garden
We need your help with collecting items for the wellness garden.
Bags of stones and bags of bark
Old wellies (boots)
Any plants you want to get rid of
Old tires
Wooden pallets
Old plastic bottles

Recycling Artwork
We need your help with collecting items for the recycling area artwork.
Food packaging
Plastic bags
Bottle tops
Plastic bottles

ALL donations must be washed and clean!!
Please give any items to Mr KB, or leave in U14 (Computer Room)