I am really pleased to introduce myself as the new Leader of PE and extra-curricular!

I have worked in schools both in the UK and internationally, leading large teams of teachers with a shared goal of ensuring our students have the best experience in PE possible.

I am excited by this new opportunity and challenge. At BIC myself along with Miss Fraser, Mr Somers and Mrs Borzynska are looking forward to developing the PE department, as well as the extra-curricular activities and other sporting choices on offer for our students.

The philosophy of our PE Department revolves around our belief that PE is a natural catalyst for holistic and developmental education, enabling all young people regardless of background, race, ability or gender to work together and achieve shared success. Our curriculum provision is based on progression and enjoyment; we believe that every child should be given the opportunity to develop their potential to the very best of their abilities.

It is vital that in lessons and extra-curricular we also focus on the health, safety and wellbeing of all our students. I’d like to take the opportunity to remind you that this means all jewellery must be removed and hair must be tied back, no matter what gender the student is. As we move into the warmer weather, we encourage all students to bring extra water, a cap and suncream if required as we will be outside.

If students are unable to participate in class they still need to come in full PE kit and bring, please, a parental note to excuse them from the lesson. Additionally, if students have asthma or any other medical conditions that require medication, they must ensure they are bringing this to their lessons as a matter of importance.

Another bonus of the warmer weather is that our lovely swimming pool will be open once again for lessons. We will be having swimming for students in KS1, 2 and 3 and are looking to offer it as an elective option for KS4, along with Personal Survival. Swimming is an essential life skill and one which we will be strongly promoting. It is expected that all students will be participating fully in swimming lessons.

I look forward to getting to know you over this summer term.

Ms Parkes