Welcome to the Academic Year 2022-23

Dear all,

As I sat down to write a welcome message to you all, events were, of course, overshadowed by the sad news of the death of our monarch for 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II. I am sure that many of you, and your families and friends, have been affected by the news. Regardless of views and regardless of politics, many in our community will have been saddened. For many, the Queen represented the best of our country and community. For many, this is a time of sorrow, prayer, appreciation and reflection. I am also sure that our children will be asking questions, maybe in bewilderment, maybe in curiosity, maybe in genuine sadness. As with all things, as a school community we will be there for our children and young people, whether it is to console, to explain or to discuss. It is a moment in time and history which, whilst expected at some point, still comes as a heartfelt shock to the British community worldwide. Many in our community will feel this sorely. We pay tribute and respect to the values that the Queen represented.

Life goes on. We have had a wonderful start to the new school year. We welcomed many new children and families, as well as welcomed back many returning students. The House bonding trips in the secondary school were hugely successful, an opportunity for our young people to get to know others in their House. We also welcomed 15 new members of staff. We celebrated the outstanding exam results of our Year 11, 12 and 13 in the summer, results that outperformed the world averages, not just in terms of exams passed but in the high number of the top grades that were achieved (please do read the details of our young people's achievements on our web site if you have not yet done so). And we look to the year ahead, with excitement, confidence and optimism, and to ensuring your children are stretched and challenged, nurtured and supported, loved and looked after.

I hope to see many of you this afternoon at the PTA welcome event, and to toast to another successful year.

Alison Colwell


Baleares International College, Sa Porrassa

Baleares International College extends our most sincere condolences to the Royal Family.