We offer a rich variety of after school club activities ranging from ballet to robotics to sailing. There's something to delight and inspire everyone.

After school activities at BIC are designed to provide the opportunity for your child to learn new interests and explore and develop these outside of the classroom.

After a long day in class after school activities allow students to pursue areas of interest outside of the curriculum. After school clubs vary from term to term, however we always aim to offer a wide range of activities, including drama, football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, art, robotics, swimming, craft, dance and a number of academic clubs. We also offer the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award here at BIC.

Parents will be given details at the start of each academic term.

After-school Clubs 2024-25

There are a range of after-school activities available from 4 to 5pm. These include different sports, art, yoga, academics and music clubs. For further information about these clubs, please consult the extracurricular team by emailing extracurricular@balearesint.net.

For any activities or clubs where student numbers are limited, places will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Places are reviewed termly and parents are notified of availability.

Students should be collected promptly at the end of their activity. In case of a delayed pick-up or emergency, parents must notify the instructor before/at the end of the school day.