At Baleares International College, we aim to make every day a valuable learning experience - not just by delivering an excellent education to students, but also by encouraging them to participate fully in the life of the school.

Every school day is crucial right from their very first . Students learn through whole class teaching and learning sessions, small group focus activities and independent student led and student initiated learning opportunities. If children are absent from school, they miss these exciting key learning opportunities resulting in gaps in their knowledge and understanding. This can significantly impact upon their learning and development.

We place a high priority on children acquiring a sense of commitment towards attendance at school.

Drop-Off and Registration

Early Years and Primary

The Drop-off window is between 8.30am and 9.00am and all students enter through the main door of the school. We ask all parents to respect this time. It is important that you bring your child to school punctually so the students can begin with their class day at 9.00 o'clock.

Registration is at 9.00am.

Students arriving after this time will need to enter through the main entrance and register at Reception. Students that arrive after 9 will be marked as "late" on the school register.


The Drop-off window is between 8.30am and 8.45am and all students enter through the main door of the school. Students should go directly to their classrooms. It is important that you bring your child to school punctually so the students can begin their tutor time at 8.45am.

Registration is at 8.45am.

Students arriving after this time will need to enter through the main entrance and register at Reception. Students that arrive after 8.45 will be marked as "late" on the school register.

Pick Up

The school day ends between 15.40 and 16.00, we kindly ask parents/guardians to come and collect your child punctually. Students are to be picked up by parents/guardians and depending on which class your child is in, the time will vary:

  • Early Years and Year 1 - 15.40pm at the Early Years playground
  • Year 2 and Year 3 - 15.50 at the front of the school
  • Year 4 to Year 13 - 16.00 at the front of the school

If requested, older siblings can join their younger siblings to make drop and collection a little easier, but teachers must be informed.

If a child is not collected by 16.00 they will be taken to the main Reception and supervised by a member of staff.

An extensive Extra Curricular Activities programme is offered in the afternoons from 16.00 to 17.00  (Please see our Extra Curricular programme in our After School section).

If you make arrangements for another person to collect your child, you must communicate this with the office where they will ask for personal information and details of the named person.


The rewards system in school is set up to recognise and reward students who achieve over 97% attendance (no more than 5 days of absence) across the entire school year.

We have an expectation that all students will not have absence across the school year other than if they are unwell. Holidays within term time will not be approved; leave is only approved in the most exceptional circumstances, and work will not be provided for any unauthorised absence. Parents must email the Principal, Ms Colwell to  and ask for authorised permission if your child will not be in school for an exceptional circumstance. We kindly ask parents to book medical appointments outside of the school day.

Parents are required to call the school at the earliest possible opportunity, and before 8.30am, if your son/daughter is absent from school, to speak to a senior member of staff on the school number +34 971 133 167 or to email On the child's return to school, please send either a doctor's note or a note from the parents clarifying the reasons for the absence.

Attendance below the school expectations of 97% may lead to students not being entered for exams.

Sixth Form Attendance

Our expectation is that the behaviour of students in Year 12 and 13 is exemplary and that they act as positive role models at all times. As with all other students, we expect them to attend school every day, on time, with a positive attitude and the right equipment and meeting the necessary deadlines. As Sixth Form studies are extremely challenging, any students falling below our expectations without adequate excuse, may forfeit their place in the Sixth Form. Sixth Formers should not fall below 90% attendance, without official medical reasons.


Punctuality is a core value that we wish to instil in our students. The school day begins promptly at 8.45am for Secondary and 9.00am for Primary. We expect all students to be through the gates and ready to begin their school day before the bell goes for them. Students will be marked late immediately following this. Students who are late must report to reception to sign in.

School Calendar & Timings