School uniform at BIC Sa Porrassa is required, as per the guidelines below. School uniform encourages a sense of unity and common purpose and provides a sense of belonging.
All items brought into school (including clothing, lunch boxes and water bottles) should be clearly marked with the student’s name.
We are excited to announce that we are launching our brand new school uniform.
Essential Additional Information
Jewellery is not appropriate for school. The only permitted items are ONE watch with plain strap (Smartwatches are not acceptable) and a pair of plain study earrings - one per ear. A necklace for religious reasons is allowed but should not be visible over the clothing. Any other kind of jewellery may be confiscated.
Hair should be natural colours only. Extreme haircuts or patterns cut into hair are not permitted. Hair beyond shoulder length needs to be tide up. Hairstyles should be sensible and appropriate to the work environment.
Hair accessories: all hairbands, alice bands, scrunchies MUST be plain in design and be of muted/natural colours.
Make-up, if worn, must be for the skin only, natural and not noticeable. No eye or lip makeup is allowed.
Nail varnish or nail extension of any kind may not be worn.

- Coats are needed in the cold weather and should avoid inappropriate logos or designs. These should be navy blue, dark, dark grey or black. Hoodies, denim jackets, and any inappropriate or non-weatherproof coats are not permitted. Outdoor clothing (coats, gloves, scarves, etc) will be taken off indoors including classrooms, corridors and dining area. The optional school blazer can be worn indoors over the sweater, vest of cardigan.
- A belt, if worn, should be black with a plain buckle and should not be a fashion item.

- Hoodies are not allowed in school.
- Gloves, hats and scarves should be black, blue or grey and plain. They should not be worn inside the school building at any time.
- Caps should not be worn at any time around or on the way to school.
- Bags must be a traditional school bag, suitable for students to carry their planner, books and equipment (including PE kit). These can be either rucksacks, satchels, or messenger bags. We do not permit any ‘handbag’ style bags, even if they are large enough to contain books and folders.
- Footwear: We wish to remind all students and their parents of the following school policy on the purchase of school footwear.
Shoes must be black, leather or synthetic leather and sensible in style. Booties are permitted (during the winter months) but must be black, flat and ankle length. Platforms, open-toed shoes and sneakers are not permitted.
Shoes with colored logos or white or colored soles are not allowed. If shoes have laces, they must be black.
In summer, sandals may be worn, but must be navy blue or black.
For Primary students we recommend sturdy footwear that offers plenty of support.
See our guide:

- Sports shoes: Footwear should be sporty and sturdy, not fashionable.
See our guide:

All students (except Sixth Form) must wear BIC uniform and BIC sports uniform, which must be worn on PE days. Different family circumstances will mean different quantities, but please ensure that you have a sufficient quantity for daily use. ‘My uniform is in the washing machine’ is not an acceptable excuse.